Getting The Right Bronzer For Your Skin Tone
Talk to any spray tan lover and they will tell you that color is everything. They want a rich golden tan that looks natural and turns heads. More and more bronzers are
becoming very important and there are a couple things to consider when choosing a color.
Before we talk about Bronzers it’s important to know that Dihydroxyacetone, most commonly referred to as DHA is the active ingredient that turns the skin brown. After a tan is fully developed the final result is dependent on the amount of DHA used. Lower percentages of DHA will produce a more golden tan whereas the higher percentage of DHA will produce a more red-brown tan.
If DHA is the rock star in self-tanners and spray tans why have bronzers become so important? DHA is clear and has no color. You may be thinking; “Wait. What… No color? How is it I can get an olive, violet or warm tan then?” That is where the bronzers come into play.
In the past Bronzers were a temporary color added to the solution to assist the technician with the application process and gave a pop of color for the clients to see while the DHA develops. These types of bronzers were a short-term coloring, similar to certain types of makeup that washed off immediately. Not Anymore! Our love for rich color has led way to developing heavily pigmented Bronzers that not only stain the skin, but compliments our different skin tones.
So how do you know if an olive, violet or red base bronzer is right for you? That will depend on your skin’s undertone. There are two easy ways to find your skin tone. First, look at your veins. Then look at your skin’s appearance. Check out the diagram to help identify your skin’s undertone.
Now that you have uncovered your skin tone choose a bronzer that compliments it. This diagram displays different color bronzers that work best with cool, warm and neutral skin tones.
Still confused? Talk with your technician about what types of bronzers they offer and what will work best for you. They will be happy to discuss your options and give you the personalized glow you've always dreamed of.